Paper Making with Kitah Bet

Two of the biggest threads of interest in Kitah Bet have  been collage and nature. This led us to papermaking!

First the children soaked scrap paper in water in the sensory table. Then they put the wet paper, water, kosher gelatin, metallic string, rose petals, glitter, food coloring, and lavender seed into a blender. They pulsed the mixture until it resembled a pulp. 

The children each chose a shape that they wanted to make. They laid the stencil over a mesh-backed frame. The children then scooped the mixture into the stencil, then placed a second (mesh-less) frame on top. The frames were pressed together and the children mopped up excess liquid with a sponge. The shape was then transferred onto a screen to dry. The children each chose dried flowers to arrange atop their paper shapes.


Embroidery in Kitah Gimmel


Transparency Portraits by Kitah Daled